Central West End Church is a place where people are free to ask the big questions of life and explore the answers of Jesus, where we welcome the diverse cultural backgrounds of our city, and where together we serve the most vulnerable members of our community. We hope to welcome you soon!

Sunday mornings at 10:30 am: Join us in person or online

Current sermon series - The Big Story

We all feel like our lives are part of a story. There are many different stories that attempt to explain the world and our lives in it. But no matter how different the stories may be, they all attempt to answer the same basic questions. Where are we? Who are we? What’s wrong? What’s the solution?

The Bible is a story: a Big Story that gives us answers to those questions. That means you can’t embrace Christianity - or reject it - unless you understand the Story. So over the next 18 weeks, we’re going to look at the Story of the Bible from cover to cover. We hope that as we do, we will all learn how to take our place in the Big Story.

This Sunday, March 23

2 Chronicles 36:15-21, Isaiah 35:1-6, 10, “Exile (again)”