Praying Our Emotions: Praying Our Exhaustion


Praying Our Emotions: Praying Our Exhaustion

Sometimes in life we become discouraged and distracted by what we see. Especially, when it seems that there are no consequences for those who do evil. Psalm 73 reminds us that evil will not triumph over the the righteous reign of Christ nor over His redeemed people. All evildoers are called to submit to the Gospel of Christ


The Big Letdown


The Big Letdown

The writer of Ecclesiastes warns us of a grievous evil that weighs heavy on humankind. An evil that has brought havoc and devastation to countless lives. But we live in a world that desperately tries to ignore and deny that this evil evenness exists. Join us as we seek to grow in wisdom, by looking at an uncomfortable truth.


Redeeming Love


Redeeming Love

When we place our faith in Jesus, we are redeemed into God’s story. Living redeemed means finding joy in God‘s promise to bless us and make us a blessing to all the world.


Beautiful Community


Beautiful Community

We live in a world that increasingly values cultural diversity. But that is not a new vision. Revelation 7 shows us that this has always been God's vision for the world, and how he fulfills it.

*Please excuse the white noise for the first part of the sermon. We had some technical difficulties and it is resolved right around the 19:54 mark.


Public Faith: Joy In The City


Public Faith: Joy In The City

Our culture trains us to separate physical reality (the "real world") from spiritual reality (God's world). But what would it look like to live our faith publicly in such a way that those two worlds come near, and even become one world?


Public Faith: Looking For The Harvest


Public Faith: Looking For The Harvest

While our culture says that sharing your faith is wrong, even some atheists say that if Christians really believe the gospel is the way to abundant life, the only thing that makes moral, rational sense is to share that faith. So why don’t we? In this passage, Jesus helps us to understand that we are missing something.
