Who Is Jesus? - "Temple"


Who Is Jesus? - "Temple"

One of the more prominent pictures of Jesus is as a revolutionary. Is that true? This passage shows us the answer is yes, but not the kind of revolutionary we think. He’s even more radical than we imagine. Join us to learn how.


Who Is Jesus? - "God"


Who Is Jesus? - "God"

Of all the different opinions on Jesus, the most hotly debated is whether or not Jesus is God. Far from a merely abstract question, this has powerful relevance for our deepest longings for safety, delight, and love.


Who Is Jesus? - "Healer"


Who Is Jesus? - "Healer"

In his time on earth, Jesus was renowned as a healer. People thronged to him to be cured by a word or a touch. But what about now? Does Jesus still heal? This sermon will explore questions and opinions about what we can hope for and expect.


Who Is Jesus? - "Teacher"


Who Is Jesus? - "Teacher"

This week, we look at what is probably the most popular conception of Jesus: that he was a great teacher. Is that true? Can we have access to what he really taught? And if so, what does his teaching mean for our lives?


Waiting for the King: "Expecting the King"


Waiting for the King: "Expecting the King"

Advent is all about expectation – surprising pregnancies, dreams, and journeys. If you're longing for something but not sure whether to hope, this story of two senior citizens and an unexpected baby might surprise you in a good way!

Note: Due to technical difficulties, the audio cut out during the end of this sermon. To read the manuscript, click the “manuscript” button below!
