One of the more prominent pictures of Jesus is as a revolutionary. Is that true? This passage shows us the answer is yes, but not the kind of revolutionary we think. He’s even more radical than we imagine. Join us to learn how.
Of all the different opinions on Jesus, the most hotly debated is whether or not Jesus is God. Far from a merely abstract question, this has powerful relevance for our deepest longings for safety, delight, and love.
In his time on earth, Jesus was renowned as a healer. People thronged to him to be cured by a word or a touch. But what about now? Does Jesus still heal? This sermon will explore questions and opinions about what we can hope for and expect.
In this sermon, we look at an aspect of Jesus that is rarely understood, even by Christians! But it is one of the most important things we could possibly see about Jesus if we really want to know who he is and what he's up to in the world.
This week, we look at what is probably the most popular conception of Jesus: that he was a great teacher. Is that true? Can we have access to what he really taught? And if so, what does his teaching mean for our lives?
Hear this refreshing gospel message from Rev. Mike Higgins from Isaiah 53.
One of our biggest challenges is we can be so familiar with the Christmas story that we no longer see it for what it is. But if we stand back far enough, we see a bigger picture that is far more shocking, but also far more comforting and transformative, than we imagined.
We all struggle with hope, because we’re always longing and always being let down. What do we do with that? This passage shows us the goodness of our longings, and the way to find true satisfaction for them.
Waiting is uncomfortable, but we can only receive that which we are willing to wait for. And I will waiting reveals what we worship. Join us as we continue our advent series, waiting on the King
We tend to assume that humans have the power to overcome the darkness of the world. Christmas, however, suggests that what we really need is not inspiration to activate our inner resources, but intervention for our utter lack of resources. This passage shows us God’s intervention.
Advent is all about expectation – surprising pregnancies, dreams, and journeys. If you're longing for something but not sure whether to hope, this story of two senior citizens and an unexpected baby might surprise you in a good way!
Note: Due to technical difficulties, the audio cut out during the end of this sermon. To read the manuscript, click the “manuscript” button below!
As we conclude this series in Numbers, we see we’re in a war, but not the one we think; we need a king, but not the one we see; and we need a victory, but not the one we expect.
Are the stresses of life threatening you? In this scripture passage, God promises power against them. Listen and learn how God delivers on that promise.
One of our deepest impulses is a desire for control. One of the most stubborn realities is our lack of control. This creates a huge struggle for us. This passage shows us the reason for that struggle and God’s solution.
This story shows us it’s possible to miss God even when he’s standing right in front of us. Why is that? And what does God do about it? Join us as we find out.
Who's story are you in? In this sermon, we explore how the book of Numbers gives us a bigger picture to help us become better disciples of Christ.
What is wrong with the world? If we don’t get the diagnosis right, we’ll never get the solution right. This passage is one of the best places to come to a deeper understanding of the biggest problem facing our world: sin.
We were created for deep, soul-satisfaction. But the options on offer in our world often make us emptier. This passage shows us the way out of spiritual emptiness and into the fullness we long for.
We all have faced deep disappointments, and long for a world made new, but often we try to get there by our own power, or by striving for power that isn’t ours. Numbers 16 is a story of real hope coming through an uncommon person in the midst of these real disappointments.
We all desire a deeper, fuller life. But one of the main reasons we don’t enter into it is because of the fear of losing control and comfort. Numbers 14 has a lot to show us about how we move out of fear and into a life of fullness