Acts: The Return of the King


Acts: The Return of the King

It’s often hard to recognize God’s work in our lives and in the world, because it doesn’t look like what we think it should look like. How can we take care not to miss what God is doing? In this passage, the apostle Paul shows us it’s all wrapped up in understanding the story we’re in. 


Acts: Curse Into Blessing


Acts: Curse Into Blessing

 Evangelism is a controversial and fearful topic for many people, and for many reasons. But the word has its roots in the idea of "good news," specifically the good news about Jesus. This passage helps us recover a healthier and happier understanding of this much misunderstood word. 


Acts: Peter's Blockbuster Vision


Acts: Peter's Blockbuster Vision

God's vision for the world has always been a multiethnic, multicultural vision. This story is one of the most powerful examples of that. In this passage, Peter recounts how he was led to a summit experience in the expansion of the gospel to all the world. 


Acts: Joy in the City


Acts: Joy in the City

We live in a world full of hatred, division, and polarization. What does it mean to be the church in this, and what if the church could be a source of joy in the midst of the division? This passage shows us how. 


Acts: Beautiful Community


Acts: Beautiful Community

 One of the biggest threats to the church in America isn’t external: the loss of power. It’s internal: our inability to give power away. The book of Acts, and especially this passage, helps by showing us what it means to be the church. 


Acts: Courageous Faith


Acts: Courageous Faith

Whether it’s the ancient Roman Empire, or the year 2024 in the modern West, following Jesus requires courage. If you struggle with fear, and wonder where you can get the courage to follow Jesus, this passage is a goldmine.


Acts: The Shaking


Acts: The Shaking

Wouldn’t it be great if the Church could be totally transformed? If it could, how would that be possible. Historically, when the Church experiences radical transformation it is called Revival. Join us as we continue our series in the book of Acts and we look at the account of the very first revival. 


Acts: No Other Name?


Acts: No Other Name?

Many people say no one should ever claim to have the one, true religion. But what if the gospel is not only not the oppressive threat many people think it is? What if, instead, it’s actually the only thing that can really create a world of true justice and peace? 


Acts: Times of Refreshing


Acts: Times of Refreshing

The presence of evil and suffering in this world is still one of the most powerful arguments against faith in an all-loving, all-powerful creator. We want to make sense of it. Even more, we want to find freedom from it. Is that possible? And if so, how?


Acts: They Devoted Themselves


Acts: They Devoted Themselves

What if the only solution for the oppression, abuse, and injustices of the church isn’t the removal of the church, but the renewal of the church? One of the best ways to get a vision for the future of the church is to get a clearer picture of the very first church. This passage helps us do that. 


Questions Jesus Asked: What Are You Discussing?

Questions Jesus Asked: What Are You Discussing?

We live in a world where many believe in God or spiritual reality, but what feels more real to us is all the pressures, anxieties, and discouragement of what we call “the real world.” How does that change? In this passage, Jesus leads us through the path of transformation.