In a world full of hatred and division, the greatest need has always been and continues to be for more love. But what is love? What does it look like in action? This passage shows us.
Where is the real life we’re all looking for? Does it even exist? Paul is in a Roman jail cell, facing execution. And yet he’s full of life and joy. How? For Paul, it’s all about the gospel of Jesus.
Paul is in the furnace of suffering. But he’s overflowing with joy. How can he do that? And what’s more: How can you rejoice in the furnace of suffering and evil? This passage addresses the question head on.
What if there was a way to find a joy that could never be threatened, no matter what else is going on in your life? That’s what Philippians is about. The first 11 verses give us an introduction on how to find it.
What are spiritual gifts? Why does the Holy Spirit give spiritual gifts to people? This passage is a great place to see the real purpose of the gifts of the Spirit.
"Love will keep us together," the old song says. But what about when it doesn't? Listen to learn how the Holy Spirit calls us beyond emotions and intentions, to unify us in divine love.
Do you ever wonder what God is doing in the midst of your suffering? And do you ever wonder if it could be connected to some greater purpose? This passage shows us that one of the main ways God uses our groaning to bring about glory is through the Holy Spirit.
“Being a Christian means that God has supernaturally come into your life through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. But how do you know that this has actually happened? God’s Word tells us that when the Holy Spirit is supernaturally at work in our lives, there will be fruit. Join us as we explore the fruitful Spirit together.”
How can we face the truth about ourselves without being crushed by the voice of condemnation? We need the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. This passage shows us the first step in that process.
Getting a do-over. Pushing the reset button. How many times have you wanted to go back to the beginning and start again? It seems impossible, but the work of the Holy Spirit offers just that: rebirth into a new life. Listen and learn how the Birthing Spirit may already be making that offer to you.
The longing for spiritual connection is an ongoing human experience. Many people today would question whether Christianity still has anything to say to our modern world about it. But as we explore the person and work of the Holy Spirit, we’ll see it has far more to say than we realize.
Life is death, because life is filled with things that end and you can never get them back. What does God do about that? This classic passage about the resurrection of Jesus shows us.
Do you ever struggle to understand yourself or the human condition? The cross is a mirror showing us who we are. It helps us embrace the remedy God offers by showing us the malady it addresses.
Does "Jesus as Lord" sound a too imposing? Listen and hear how Jesus subverts expectations, redefines power, and gives his followers so much love they have to share it!
Do you ever do things you know you shouldn’t do, but you do them anyway and you’re not even sure why? Why do we do that? And is there any way to be free of these things? The garden of Gethsemane shows us the answer.
The question, “Why did Jesus die?” provokes strong feelings from people and many different answers. But what if we could ask Jesus? In this passage, Jesus himself explains the meaning of his death to us.
Do you ever feel like the story of this world and your life in it is the story of something out of sorts that needs to be set right? Something that needs to be redeemed? In this passage, Jesus says his death is that redemption. How? Join us for this week’s message.
What if the answer to all of our biggest struggles is bound up in the question of whether Jesus is “the Christ” and how we respond to that question? That’s a big “what if.” But this passage helps us find the answer and apply it to our life.
One of the most offensive aspects of Jesus in our culture is the idea of Jesus as judge. But in a society as concerned with justice as we are, what do we lose if we get rid of this idea? Join us as we explore this question.
Homesickness is a universal human experience: a feeling of exile from our true home. This is one of the main themes of the Bible, and one of the most important aspects of who Jesus is. How? Join us for this week’s episode!